Want to amp up the strategy, add challenge for two or four players?
The basic two player game puts three creatures in your care, and gives you the whole board to maneuver in.
The basic four player game puts two creatures in your care, and along with you team member you have the whole board to terraform to victory.
The intermediate two player still puts three creatures in your able care while slightly reducing the space to maneuver in, causing tough choices, epic moments and some head scratching (see picture in Mythic Migration Rules for board configuration).
The intermediate four player game still puts two creatures in your able care while slightly reducing the space to maneuver in, solidifying the need for cooperation, and hindering your opponents as the race for safe passage heats up(see picture in Mythic Migration Rules for board configuration).
Advance Play Options, and an expansion which would add an additional team play options with six player is in play testing!